There’s a reason why fire drills are usually mandatory in schools and other public buildings and although statistics have shown that they are seldom adhered to in the case of actual fire emergencies, it is still very pertinent that they are learned, taught and applied, as this could prevent injuries and possible fatalities.
Fire safety is a fundamental consideration in building design and management, but unfortunately, one that is often overlooked—firewalls are today more likely to be associated with IT security than with physical safety. These guidelines would assist you on what steps to take in case of a fire outbreak in a public building.
What to Do in Case of a Fire
- Immediately pull the nearest fire alarm pull station as you exit the building and if there is none, raise an alarm or notify the nearest teacher or security personnel. Be sure to exit in an orderly fashion so as not to stir up panic or incite a stampede.
- When evacuating the building, be sure to feel doors for heat before opening them to be sure there is no fire danger on the other side.
- If there is smoke in the air, stay low to the ground, especially your head, to reduce inhalation exposure. Keep on hand on the wall to prevent disorientation and crawl to the nearest exit.
- Once away and clear from danger, call the fire safety authority and inform them of the fire.
- Go to the concession point and await further instructions from emergency personnel.
Fire Safety Precautions and Fire Systems Equipment
- Keep doorways, corridors, and egress paths clear and unobstructed. Do not overload electrical outlets. Use surge-protected multi-outlet power strips and extension cords when necessary.
- Never store pyrotechnics and other flammable materials in a public room, dormitory or apartment.
- Do not tamper with any fire system equipment such as smoke detectors, pull stations, or fire extinguishers.
- Raising a false alarm is a criminal offense. It endangers the lives of the occupants and emergency personnel.
School Fire Safety Do’s
-DO remain in the room if you are unable to exit the building safely because of smoke or fire. Keep the door closed and await assistance from the fire department. If smoke is entering under or around the door, stuff damp sheets, curtains or blankets in the spaces to help keep smoke out. If possible, open a window and waive or hang a brightly colored towel or garment to notify rescue personnel of your location.
-DO close the doors behind you if it is safe to leave your room.
-DO become aware of your neighbors and note if they have not evacuated and tell authorities they are missing and may need assistance.
-DO treat every fire alarm as an emergency. If the alarm sounds, exit the building immediately.
School Fire Safety Don’ts
-DON’T assume that a fire alarm is a test or burned barbecue stake. Any alarm could be the result of a dangerous fire.
-DON’T waste time collecting personnel items. Take your keys and yourself to safety as soon as possible.
-DON’T use the elevators during a fire emergency; always use the stairs.
Schools should be well equipped with fire retardants such as extinguishers and sprinklers as well as smoke detectors. No incidence should be treated trivially as the consequences have always proven to be dire, historically speaking.
Contact us at ADNA Contracting for effective fireproofing of your building to make it a safer haven for everyone who walks through its doors.